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eVA Forms
Need help with your eVA Login or Password, requesting a reinstatement of your account, legal name and tax ID change on your account, paper registration, address or contact change, additional payment address, SEV changes
1. Vendor Login Help – User Name is NOT known or user is no longer with your company
2. Request Reinstatement of your eVA Account
3. Request an eVA Paper Registration
4. Request an eVA Legal Name Change
b. Change your eVA Legal Name and Tax ID
5. Request a Tax ID Change
b. Change your eVA Legal Name and Tax ID
6. Update your W-9 information
7. Request a Duns Number Change - Discontinued
8. Request an eVA Address and/or Contact Information Change
9. Request to add an additional payment address
10. Request an eVA and Ariba Relationship Discontinued
11. Request to Cancel your eVA Account
12. Request the use of the eVA logo and Name for your Website, Marketing Materials and Printing
13. State Entered Vendor Change Request
14. Tax Information/Withholding Change Request form
15. Tax Address Change Form Request form 1546
16. Change Registration Type From SEV To Self Registered